Empower your health with insight

The life line, one of the main triple inner lines, represents physical health, family, and spirit guides along your life time. It can be bold and strong or weak and faint or short or long. It can be curved or sway away from the thumb.  There can be overlapping lines, fuzzy wide coloring or even show breaks along the way.  

DISCLAIMER: Please seek medically professional advice on specific health issues. Readings are not a substitution for these diagnosis. No specific ailments will be given, examples of types may be provided, as it relates to your hand markings. 

Physical body    Family lineage     Spirit guides     Allergies     Food sensitivities     Family closeness     Near death experiences.   Travel   Mystical interests ...and so much more 

Where is the Life Line? 
The life line begins between the thumb and index finger near the mid section of the palm and flows downward. It can flow straight down the middle or curve either left or right of the hand.

What should be read on the Life Line? 
The life line contain several types of signs. I read finer details than most readers. I look for direction, fork lines, breaks, fades of color, dots, crosses, triangles, loops, squares, where the end of the line ends, color, width and so much more. All of these work together to give a bigger picture of your path.  Not only will I read the lines, but I also give you intuitive insights of visions I may receive while focusing on you.

What does the Life Line Reveal? 
The Life line reveals not just health related times, but also, family lineage, travel, spirit guides, spiritual or physical interests, a self reliant solo personality or close to family and so much more. It can show periods of weakened health, near death experiences, recovery or sudden endings, as well. Although I may see shorter life lines in some, I can give life span time estimates when events may happen either suddenly or gradually.

I'm able to decipher a possible time span of age on when events may occur. 


Curves toward the thumb
When the life line curves long and toward the thumb as a C shape, this is a person who enjoys staying close to the family unit. It indicates a long connection and the color is vibrant which represents mainly strong health, but there are fuzzy breaks, cross lines and weaknesses of color in certain sections.  Indications of annoying interferences of health. 

The Head line and Life line are disconnected
When the head line and the life line are disconnected this is a person who has been disconnected with family from an early age, either by choice or no choice of their own. This can indicate either physical or emotional separation. Since this started in the beginning with a wide gap, this person was very self reliant and independent, as a child. 

There are other indications that show they continued to be further from the immediate family unit over time in distance and emotionally, even further after a catalystic event. As they age, during middle age, other lines show they begin to slowly be closer to their new family. 

Short life lines
Many people fear that short life lines may mean death. Depending on the color, the faintness, sharp end, overlapping lines around it or so on, it can show other meanings about the possible death or illness. I can not see the exact situation always, however, I can see other areas of failing health systems or family hereditary markings that could give a sign about the illness or death. 

May it be used as a guide on how to live your life. 


Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

Listen to your inner body's messages

*Disclaimer: I do not do spells, curses,  or deliberate conjuring of evil spirits. I allow spirits to come to me willingly. I do not dwell on negative events that induce painful emotional feelings. Life is about experiences and what to look forward to. Allow readings to empower you, to prepare you.  I also can not see exact health ailments but I can sense areas of affliction. I am a Christian and believe the Lord has given me the vision of loving sight. And for legal reasons, I have to state this is for entertainment purposes only. 

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