The Head Line on the Hand 

Discover insight to empower your direction!

The head line is one of the four major lines a reader initially can read.  It is usually at the center horizontally across the palm. It can be joined or look detached from the life line in the beginning. Occasionally, it can be attached to the love line, known as a Simian line. 

Mental Health    Self Esteem or Confidence    Adventurous or Daring    Decisiveness      Anxiety    Head trauma    Memory    Literal power    Childhood energy   Mystical interests   Psychic abilities .....and so much more.   

The head line reveals multiple symbolism interpretations. It represents both physical and mental health. It can reveal how you make decisions, depressive moments, as well as, possible neurological ailments, It can also show some directions of interest that can help reaffirm your passions. 

The Head line begins between the index finger and the thumb and runs across towards the opposite side, toward the side of the palm. It lies between the love line and life line. It can be straight, long, short, frayed, forked, slashed or joined with other lines.

As many other lines, several details should be read in combination, to get a better overview explanation. They can look at the curves, hair line hashes, breaks, dashes, parallel or perpendicular lines, space between lines and so much more.

An experienced reader may be pulled to dominant signs or stronger energy first, while some may calculate on the time line, your current age range. However, multiple signs near, on, or around, on both hands, should be read as a wider view perspective.



A) An even horizontal line across the palm, as the image above,  is usually on a person who is a straight arrow type of person. A person who wants to do the right thing all the time. They make safe decisions. Since they feel good about always doing the right thing, they feel secure and self confident within themselves. There is less self doubt within themselves over the years, as they are seen of high moral character because of their self choices.

B) Breaks or gaps in the head line may indicate a lack of conscious occurrence. This can be due to fainting, surgery, comas or concussions that leaves the mind seemingly disconnected to the body. The shorter the span, the shorter in time length of the suffering condition. 

The line resumes after the gap, but starts with a slash on one side of the break. When the line resumes, it shows there is healing. The line continues to be similar as the way it started so the person returns to being the same level headed straight and narrow mentally strong personality. 

The time frame and amount of space can show at what age and how long the ailment went on. 

However, slashes through gaps indicate that someone else or incident was the influence of the suffering condition. This can be due to a sporting injury or an accident that involuntarily was inflicted upon them. 


C) As the line continues, after healing, it starts strong, as before, then begins to narrow to a fade. The stronger the line is, the more powerful the strength is, the fade indicates a reduction in mental power. This line fades gradually, so it can be a slowing of thought or possibly reduction in self confidence with moments of mild depressive states during old age. 

Keep in mind, there are other signs on the palms that show depression stages. 


A) The head line, the middle main line, bows and curves downward. This person has a soft spot for people and can be viewed as becoming more of an open minded adventurous spirit around middle age. 

Gradual slopes symbolizes the person takes even tempered baby step growth spurts towards more adventurous directions. 


B) Noticeable angles along the way, indicate there is or was or will be a catalytic moment in their life that pushed them a little faster toward being more flexible in risk taking. They may become more open hearted to learning or applying new, out of the ordinary, at least for them, activities. 

The sharper the angle, the more abrupt action or a near instant life altering moment catapults them into a near, un normal for them, activities, either voluntarily or involuntarily. The energy could have been initiated by someone else, influencing their decisions, or their own choice to change. 

For example, they could be a good student, studying or working in a law firm. The mundane monotony and being passed up for promotions year after year creates an impatient frustrated emotion.  They may decide to surprisingly quit and change their career direction to something nearly opposite in industry, such as becoming a rock and roll rebel. 


C) If you see the tail end branch off, it represents literal power. It is a power over words, whether words are difficult for them or comes naturally, it's a power over words. They could be charmingly witty or be a brilliant writer or speaks foreign languages, or they could stumble trying to find the right words or how to say them correctly. 

Additional details:
Head lines can be short or long, gapped, or connect to other lines. There can be markings and symbols along the way. There can also be parallel or perpendicular lines.  Each pathway of marks represents life events for you personally. It's best to get a full in depth reading customized for you. 


 Find the Path you were Born to Take

*Disclaimer: I do not do spells, curses, or deliberate conjuring of evil spirits. I allow spirits to come to me willingly. I do not dwell on negative events that induce painful emotional feelings. Life is about experiences and what to look forward to. Allow readings to empower you, to prepare you. I also can not see exact health ailments but I can sense areas of affliction. I am a Christian and believe the Lord has given me the vision of loving sight. And for legal reasons, I have to state this is for entertainment purposes only.

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