My background:
  • Palm Reading
  • Medium Skills
  • Asian Spirituality
  • Astrology
  • Dream Interpretations
  • Aura Readings
  • Iridology
  • Prophetic Visions
  • Reflexology Awareness
  • Feng Shui Energy
  • Eastern Cultural Philosophies

First, I am a Christian Believer. God has blessed me with prophetic insights. I have also studied and respect other forms of loving religions or spiritual beliefs. I have studied several Asian philosophies. 

I do not participate in any black magic, conjuring of evil spirits or spells. I use my gift to guide in loving supportive ways. I have great faith and can not lie or participate in manipulative set ups.  I pray and meditate daily.

I will always be truthful on what I see and hear as a guide.

Visions can be past, present or future. I am truthful of what I do or don't know. I share what I see,

Studies and Development 
I've studied Palm Reading and the Metaphysical Arts since the late '80's. My curiosity came in childhood when I realized I had visual and auditory gifts.The first book about Palmistry I read was printed in 1914, since then, I've read multiple books to expand my interpretative knowledge. 

I studied many Asian spiritual belief topics and traditions. From Tao, Zen, Buddhist, Feng Shui, Kiology, Chinese Zodiac, and more. 

My background is Korean American from a traveling military family. This gives me insights and acceptance to various forms of peaceful spiritual cultural beliefs. 

Many times, my spirit guides, and the Heavenly Father, bring me messages in meditation and dreams. On occasions, even in foreign languages. I see, hear, smell, and feel messages. 

Over my lifetime, I've traveled and lived in:
Los Angeles
New Orleans

Photo by Mike Swigunski on Unsplash
Photo by Mike Swigunski on Unsplash

Embrace the Enlightenment Experiences

*Disclaimer: I do not do spells, curses,  or deliberate conjuring of evil spirits. I allow spirits to come to me willingly. I do not dwell on negative events that induce painful emotional feelings. Life is about experiences and what to look forward to. Allow readings to empower you, to prepare you.  I also can not see exact health ailments but I can sense areas of affliction. I am a Christian and believe the Lord has given me the vision of loving sight. And for legal reasons, I have to state this is for entertainment purposes only. 

Photos: Creatista Photography Christ picture artist: Fernando Gallego in the public domain in Wkimedia.Stones: Deniz Altindas

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