Saturday, October 3, 2020

Astrology in Palm Reading


The ancient art of Palm Reading has century old studies in Astrology. The hands and fingers are mapped out by various planets and signs. Each representing each area of the traits found in the sign. For example the plane of Mars, a warrior planet, is represented in the middle of the Palm. When bulging, it shows a higher power as a soldier like personality, a fighter, but if it lacks a high plain it can means this person is a peaceful calm person. The best way to find out your personal path is to get a reading.

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Based on the angles, protruding mounts, angles, plumpness or fine lines on each area, they can represent you in unique ways. 

Palm Reading maps the hands and fingers out by Astrological assignments. 


The Fingers are assigned accordingly     
                 Index Finger - Jupiter
                 Middle Finger - Saturn
                 Ring Finger   -  Apollo or Sun
                 Pinkie Finger - Mercury
                 Thumb - Venus

Self Analysis steps
Both hands should be read to reveal past, present and future messages. The hands should be read as a whole, combining all that is seen together to make up you.  I'm available for one on one meetings, skype appointments or provide a private written report by email.  

Fingers pulled back
Notice the ring finger is pulled further back than others? Both at the top and bottom.  This is the finger of Apollo or the Sun, that represents arts and sciences.  There is something in this person's life that she is holding back being involved in that has a link to the Arts and Sciences. It can also mean that she has shyed away from being in the limelight, such as the Sun shining on her. 


The Mount of Venus 
The Mount of Venus, planet of love, is represented by the fleshy curved mount under the thumb. Family rings can also show up on this mount. This man's hand has a slight raised area that nearly matches his spiritual side plane, the half area from the middle to the pinkie, which means he is learning to balance the physical love to spiritual love. 

Mercury - Pinkie Finger
The Pinkie finger represents the planet of communication. His finger is angled pretty straight at a 45 degree angle, representing he enjoys being truthful straight to the point.

I'm mainly familiar with Western Astrology and have a general overview understanding of Eastern Astrology. Each sign has planets, ruling body parts, compatibility, interest traits, element representation and so much more. 

Asians also have The Chinese Zodiac, and other fortune telling customs. In Korea, we play a baby fortune game, practiced at the child's 100th day birthday.  Objects are placed in front of the infant to see what he or she chooses. They are symbols of what type of career or life the baby will follow.  

I continue to study:      
Chinese Face Reading
Feng Shui
Chinese New Year traditions
and other Eastern religions.  

Photo by Mike Swigunski on Unsplash
Photo by Mike Swigunski on Unsplash

Embrace the Enlightenment Experiences

*Disclaimer: I do not do spells, curses,  or deliberate conjuring of evil spirits. I allow spirits to come to me willingly. I do not dwell on negative events that induce painful emotional feelings. Life is about experiences and what to look forward to. Allow readings to empower you, to prepare you.  I also can not see exact health ailments but I can sense areas of affliction. I am a Christian and believe the Lord has given me the vision of loving sight. And for legal reasons, I have to state this is for entertainment purposes only. 

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