Saturday, October 3, 2020



My visions have been a part of me as a child. I have several markings of Psychic ability in my palms. Some are truth sensing, meditative dream state, auditory, physical empathic, and so on. I remember gut senses of family members, where before cell phones, I would race home to stand by the phone, knowing a family member would call with concerned news. Or days before family members were passing over, they would visit me in my dreams with symbols of messages to pass on to others. 

Your hands can tell me if you too, have these gifts. I can share and coach how to tap into those gifts. I combine these abilities when I do Palm Readings. I prefer to have up to 4 8 hours before an appointment to make time to meditate or have my spirit guides reveal 
messages in my dreams. 

Find out if you possess any of the 4 signs of Psychic Ability.
Get a detailed personal reading
My gifts come to me in dreams, visions, sounds, smells and feelings plus even in different languages that I am not fluent in speaking, but when discovered, the interpretation reveals the spirit guide messages for the recipient. 

Intuitive gifts come in many forms.

Visions, Pictures
Aromas, fragrances
Sounds-words, tones
Body flinches,twitches
Objects, Hobbies
Peak health periods.
Different varieties of examples
Visions of passed on people
Favorite foods, perfume
High pitches or inner ear sounds
Names, cities, locations
Body cues
Waves, equilibrium
Spirits at any age
Special objects
Nausea, dizziness, vertigo

Passed on spirits may reveal themselves of their favorite age or time. These may be unrecognizable to the living based on time. Favorite or recognizable items may come through to validate the person. 

I can help you tap in to or help you recognize if you have the gifts too. There are many exercises to track how your intuition may be speaking to you. If you are getting a Palm Reading, there are several signs that reveal certain types of this ability. 

Photo by Mike Swigunski on Unsplash
Photo by Mike Swigunski on Unsplash

Embrace the Enlightenment Experiences

*Disclaimer: I do not do spells, curses,  or deliberate conjuring of evil spirits. I allow spirits to come to me willingly. I do not dwell on negative events that induce painful emotional feelings. Life is about experiences and what to look forward to. Allow readings to empower you, to prepare you.  I also can not see exact health ailments but I can sense areas of affliction. I am a Christian and believe the Lord has given me the vision of loving sight. And for legal reasons, I have to state this is for entertainment purposes only. 

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  HOW DO MY VISIONS WORK? My visions have been a part of me as a child. I have several markings of Psychic ability in my palms. Some are tru...